Well Christmas is practically nipping at my toes and I have to ask myself if I’m actually ready for it.  The truth?  Hmmm not really.  I still have gifts to buy and cards to send and all my decorating is not even really done!  Why is it that I know exactly when Christmas is coming each year and yet find it so difficult to get it all done prior to the actual event?

Thank goodness for the interwebz.  I have been able to do so much shopping online this year to save myself from the horror of the fighting grannies for the last set of sparkly baubles in B&Q and knocking down small children for the sake of reindeer ears that light up.

This lovely online world has also provided endless inspiration in terms of decorating and I thought I’d share some of the images with you as well.

So sit and relax with a nice cuppa and enjoy…

Now isn’t that better?
Neutrals with mixed metallics and lots of sparkle.  Perfection.  And are you as in love with the angel wings on the backs of the dining chairs as I am?
Image credits:  1. West Elm, 2-7. Country Living.

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